About Realm
Responding to God’s call to live in unity, communication, and participation, we want to invite you to take part in using our new Realm system. Our parish has selected Realm to provide a better service for communication, information, and administration. I thank you for your collaboration and your help in building and maintaining our community in the unity of faith and I encourage the participation of each of you as we walk together and help build the Kingdom of God.
~Father Fernando Torres
What is Realm?
Realm is an online ministry tool designed for real time connection. It helps each of us at Saint Bernadette to connect with you and you connect with us. As a part of our parish family, we think you’ll love it. Realm allows you to manage your personal information and who is allowed to see it, control your giving, and keep in touch with the groups that matter to you.
Why use Realm?
Realm helps us serve you better throughout the week, whether you are on campus, at home or away. Everyone can be connected from anywhere at any time, right from our mobile devices. Realm helps us engage everyone in the life of our parish community by supporting the healthy relationships essential to our mission to EDUCATE, SERVE, CELEBRATE and WELCOME. We’ll stay organized, and you’ll stay informed about all of the opportunities for worship, faith formation, service, fellowship and fun. When we share life together, we will grow together.
Realm and Privacy
Privacy is so important, particularly in light of all the cybersecurity threats today! Therefore, it is one of our greatest concerns. Realm is only made up of the parishioners at St. Bernadette, it’s not like a social network that’s open to everyone. Realm keeps your data safe and gives you control over what information you share and who can see it.
What about giving?
Giving should be easy, and Realm places giving right in the palm of your hands. You may set up recurring gifts, view your giving history, easily download and print your giving statements and make changes at any time. Realm automatically records all electronic gifts and adds them to your giving record making it easy for you to give, and easy for our Finance team to track.
How do I log into Realm?
If you are already a registered parishioner of St Bernadette with an email on file, you will receive an email (see sample below). Simply click the link in the email and follow the directions. If you haven’t received and email, please check your spam file. If you still need help, call or email the Parish Office (office@stbnc.net).

After your initial login, Realm will automatically recognize you.
- https://onrealm.org/STBernadetteCat8590/SignIn.
- Enter your current email address and a password that meets the password requirements.
NOTE: If you do not see information that you have previously given the parish (such as children, groups, giving), please allow a business day for your new record to be matched with that previous information.
How can I update my personal information?
- Login to Realm.
- Click Edit at the top left of your profile to update your profile information.
Can’t remember your password? It will happen! But, don’t worry, it’s easily resolved.
You can click the “forgot your password?” link from the Realm login screen and quickly reset your password. If you have problems, call the Parish Office at 919-552-8758 so we can help you reset your password.
How can I register for an event? Realm makes it simple and easy.
- Log in to Realm.
- On the left-hand menu select “Events.”
- Select the event that you are interested in to find out more information.
How can I find a Group to join?Realm helps you get the most out of your parish community.
- Log in to Realm.
- On the left-hand menu select “Groups.”
- Select “Find Groups” from the list.
- Select the type of group you would like to join.
- Select the name of the group you would like to join.
- Click on “Join (Group name)” and a message will be sent to the group leaders, OR select a group leader’s name and send a direct message.
What is our Parish “Invite Code” and what is it for?
The Realm “invite code” (STBernadetteCat8590) is requested when an individual who doesn’t already have a Realm login downloads the app and chooses to create an account from the app login screen. This mobile app enables you to have Realm at your fingertips and stay connected to St. Bernadette’s whenever you wish and from anywhere you have access to the internet.
How do I log into Realm?
If you are already a registered parishioner of St Bernadette, with an email on file, you will receive an email like the screenshot to the right. If you don’t receive it, please check your spam file. Click the link and follow the directions.