One of St. Bernadette’s little-known gems is the parish community garden located just past the sheds on the parish grounds. The garden is cultivated year round by volunteers who contribute the harvest to our parish food pantry. In three years, Shepherd’s Bounty has donated over 3,818 pounds — almost 2 tons! — of produce to the pantry. Approximately thirty-five families visit the food pantry each week, and we are delighted to be able to donate fresh produce to them. However, we need your help.

Shepherd’s Bounty Ministry

We are looking for volunteers to help weed and harvest throughout the year, but particularly during the summer months. Work sessions are: TUESDAY EVENING 6:00-7:30 pm; and SATURDAY 8:00-10:00 am, or whenever you can help.
The food pantry is open Monday-Wed from 10:00 am -12:00 pm and welcomes fresh produce picked that morning or the night before.
Volunteers are invited to help out occasionally, or on a regular basis if you are able.
Also needed are grass clippings, fruit and vegetable peels, and egg shells for the compost heap. Grass clippings must be pesticide and herbicide free, and meat products cannot be used. Families may bring their donations directly to the compost pile behind the sheds. We can oftentimes also find a home for seeds or seedlings leftover from your family garden.